For the uninitiated, Demon Slayer is a manga series that follows Tanjiro, a 13-year-old living in early 1900s Japan. After his father passes away, he helps support his mother and many siblings by selling charcoal to other villagers. But one day, he spends the night away from home and returns to find his family massacred and his sister, Nezuko, turned into a demon. He comes across a Demon Slayer and sets out to become one with the hopes of curing his sister. As Tanjiro and Nezuko progress on their journey, they make friends and meet very colorful characters. The story has a few common elements found in many shounen series, but it still manages to feel fresh. There are no two characters alike, the fight scenes are beautifully animated, and the antagonists have some of the most heartrending backstories I’ve come across in anime. It can also be gruesome and is not afraid to kill a beloved character, making everything more urgent and high stakes. Once you’ve stocked up on merch, head over and take a quiz to find out which Hashira you are and watch the trailer for the upcoming season.

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