One of the reasons I love small presses so much is that they constantly surprise me. I never would have imagined being so excited for an essay collection about glass and mirrors, but here we are. I know it’s going to be good. I’ve never given the North Sea more than a passing thought, but Graywolf Press has me positively itching to get my hands on a copy of a book all about this place I have never been. Sure, a few of these books are by authors I know and love, but most of them are new to me. I’m excited about them because of the subject matter, yes, but also because I love these small presses with my whole heart. I would follow them anywhere — to the Alberta oil sands, across Uzbekistan, into the waters off Guam. Ready for your world to widen, you heart to expand, your mind to open up, and your TBR to (once again) start overflowing? These nine amazing nonfiction books (from nine indie presses!) are ready and waiting for your preorders and library holds. If you’re looking for even more indie press nonfiction for your TBR, check out this list of amazing queer nonfiction you’ve never heard of, these must-read books from university presses, and these small press essay collections. And there’s a lot more great nonfiction in our indie press archives.

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