Featuring beloved characters alongside introducing new ones, Hawkeye managed to — mostly successfully — juggle a large cast of characters with unique and overlapping storylines. Not only did we get Kate Bishop and Clint Barton, but a number of other recognizable heroes and villains I imagine we’ll be seeing more of in the future. And can I just say: it’s so good to see Clint Barton finally done right. There have been hints of that patented mixture of exasperation and exhaustion I so love throughout the franchise, but not like this. And whether you’re a longtime Hawkeye fan or just falling in love with the characters for the first time, you can’t go wrong with any one of these eight comics to read after watching — and loving — Hawkeye. You’ll find: more Kate sass, more exhausted Clint, more Lucky the dog, and maybe even some other great superheroes you’ll recognize along the way. Spoiler Warning: Mild to moderate spoilers for Disney’s Hawkeye lie ahead, including mentions of characters that appear in later episodes and some implications about their storylines. Read ahead at your own risk if you haven’t watched the series yet. Learn more about Hawkeye’s origins or Kate Bishop in these articles about why she’s too good for the Avengers and how Kelly Thompson perfected her voice.

8 Comics To Read After Watching Hawkeye - 468 Comics To Read After Watching Hawkeye - 568 Comics To Read After Watching Hawkeye - 598 Comics To Read After Watching Hawkeye - 698 Comics To Read After Watching Hawkeye - 558 Comics To Read After Watching Hawkeye - 138 Comics To Read After Watching Hawkeye - 488 Comics To Read After Watching Hawkeye - 45